Standards of Conduct
At Frankford International University (FIU), employees and students are strictly prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol on the University campus or at off-campus facilities owned or controlled by the University. Even during off-campus events that are considered University activities, the standards of conduct apply, and alcohol must not be abused by those of legal drinking age, nor used, possessed, or distributed by those who have not attained legal drinking age.
Non-Smoking Policy
As an educational institution, Frankford International University adheres to local laws and prohibits smoking on campus. Consequently, FIU employees, students, and visitors who wish to smoke may do so only outside the university
Drug-Free Policy
All University employees receive information about the University’s Drug-Free policy upon being hired. Students are informed during their orientation as well as through their Student Handbook.
Press and Electronic Media Policies
Frankford International University administration respects students, authors, and journalists, recognizing their rights and interests within our vibrant community of scholarship and learning. Our press policies aim to be responsive to journalists’ requests for freedom of access while minimizing disruption to University activities and respecting students’ privacy rights.
General Conduct
Both news organisations and the FIU Press team must respect students’ rights to decline interviews or photography. Members of the media may not capture photographic or video images or audio of students without written permission from the individuals involved.
Frankford International university recognizes that drug and alcohol abuse diminishes the integrity of the institution and erodes the strength and vitality of its human resources. It is the intent of the University to educate students and employees about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, and to discourage the illegal possession and distribution of drugs and alcohol.
It is the policy of the Frankford International University that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, use or abuse of alcohol and/or illicit drugs on the Frankford international University of Peace campus or property owned or controlled by the University is strictly prohibited. All categories of employees and students are subject to this policy and to applicable federal and local laws related to this matter. Additionally, any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action.